Accu-Tech Stainless Steel Cleaning Rod: 38"

NZ$79.99 .

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Accu-Tech proudly brings to you high quality, durable cleaning products, designed for the rigors of repeated use on your beloved rifles and shotguns. Make sure you you treat your firearms right when it comes time to cleaning and maintenance, and use Accu-Tech.

Accu-Tech products are on par, if not better than other popular brands like Hoppes, Outers and Gunslick at a better price!

Available in two diameters, all at 38" long. Choose diameter: 5mm / 6mm

Features and Specifications:

  • New and improved cleaning rod from Accu-Tech
  • High quality build
  • Hang hole packaging for easy storage
  • Ergonomic handle design
  • Handle remains fixed in your hand while the shaft rotates on the bearings to follow rifling
  • Length: 38"
  • Material: Stainless steel
  • Handle: 28mm
  • Diameter: 5mm | 6mm
  • Rod Thread: 8-32

Gun City is NZ's largest firearms dealer. We have been selling, importing, exporting, manufacturing, customising and repairing firearms & accessories since 1978. We have the largest range of guns, ammo & accessories available now, online in New Zealand. 

Please call our shop for more information on +64 3 379-8888 in Christchurch, New Zealand.

(204133) 5mm

(204134) 6mm

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