

Want something that shoots flat and anchors varmints fast? Fill your mag with CCI Stinger 22 LR. The loads smoke out the muzzle at 1,640 fps and are loaded within industry standard pressures. They provide consistent, reliable performance thanks to CCI priming and brass.
• Caliber: .22LR
• Bullet Weight: 32 grain
• Bullet Style: Copper Plated Hollow Point
• Muzzle Velocity: 1640fps
• Velocity Group: Hyper-velocity
• Ballistic Coefficient: .084
• Packet Quantity: 50 rounds
• Brick Quantity: 500 rounds
• Case Quantity: 5000 rounds
CCI also make rimfire ammo for other leading manufacturers like Remington, Federal, Winchester and Hornady.
"Stinger" cartridges have a longer case than 22 LR cartridges loaded to U.S. Industry specifications. They can stick in the tighter chambers of target rifles, including the Ruger 10/22 Target Rifle, which can result in a hazardous ruptured case and release of hot powder gasses and brass when fired.
Stingers are not recommended for blowback semi autos. the 10-22 is a blowback action. That means that the weight of the spring is what is keeping the bolt forward. In a locked breech like a lever action or bolt action the extra length of the stinger case in no concern. In a blowback the worry is that the action will open with some of the case still in the chamber. People say this to be safe. I have fired stingers in many semi auto 22s and no problem. But if you want to be extra safe use them in lever or bolt action or pump action.
Ruger specifically states in the instructions manual for 10/22s that CCI Stinger ammunition can stick in the chambers of target and tactical and target rifles and lead to case ruptures. This is because they have a longer case length.
Purchase of this item requires a firearms licence, you will need to complete a Police Order Form and take it into your local police station to have it signed off. The form can be found from the link below.
Gun City is NZ's largest firearms dealers. We have been selling, importing, exporting, manufacturing, customising and repairing firearms and accessories since 1978. We have the largest range of guns, ammo and accessories available now, online in New Zealand.
Please call our shop for more information on +64 3 379-8888 in Christchurch, New Zealand.